The Senior Scout Adventure takes place from 12-23 December 2024
Moments from the last adventure

Richard Heron Knight

Richard Knight 1934 -5th July 2002

He joined 1st Claremont as a scout in 1945. He served as Troop Scouter (his name was “Heron” due to his long and thin legs) and was also an active member of the 1st Claremont Rover Crew until he left Cape Town to work in Zambia and Rhodesia Richard had a long association with the Boy Scout movement In the Western Cape and served as its provincial chairman and, for four years, as the national chairman of , Boy Scouts of South Africa and on various bodies such as the National Finance Committee and the National Scout Council.

He was on the first Adventure Committee and took over the job of Adventurer Treasurer, from “Impie”, a post he held for many Adventures. He was the Adventure Camp Chief from 1983 during the 1986 Adventure.

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